What is Lotif Seller?

A platform for sellers to help businesses that are registered to find buyers across State of Qatar using our customer base and market-span at

What categories on Lotif are available for sellers?

We have opened categories like electronic products, Home Appliances, Stationeries, Food and Beverages and many more products for our new sellers who registered at Lotif.

What type of products cannot be listed on Lotif?

We keep strict standards on the quality of the products as you get a share of our brand value. Hence, the list of criteria needs to be met with standards of your product to be fit for listing on our seller site. Also any illegal or hazardous products that violate the laws of the land will be outrightly rejected listing as per State of Qatar laws.

Why should I sell on Lotif?

Selling on Lotif you open a wide gate of prospective customers across the country. Our customers span this region and are always keen to take on the new initiatives we bring to them. You can leverage that customer base and expand your business by attracting those customers who never knew you existed.

Can I sell on Lotif as an individual?

Selling on Lotif is currently available for businesses who are registered in Qatar and not for individual sellers without legal trade licenses. A valid trade certificate and commercial registration is required register as a seller at Lotif.

Seller Warranty?

Selling on Lotif is currently available for businesses who are registered in Qatar. All kind of of product and service warranty or guaranties are subject the seller as per their product sold. Lotif is not accountable to any kind service and product warranty or guaranties related concerns.

How do I get paid?

You can be assured of pay as we transfer to you once the material or product is sold in our platform. Payment timeline will be signed at the time of seller registration.

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